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I am a teacher teaching in a rural primary school in Sekinchan. I was 49 when I joined Unisel @ Shah Alam campus in 2005. Since I was a part-time student, My classes were only on Friday evenings and Saturdays. Working on weekdays with only Sundays as my off days. I had good lecturers and wonderful friends when I was in Unisel. I finally graduated in 2009 with good CGPA of 3.75. That initiated me to further my study. Since there wasn't any Masters level course in TESL at Unisel at that time, I had to join UiTM,,the neighbour. I was called for the interview (24 October) before the Unisel convocation day (30 October).... Thanked Allah, I was accepted. So the following year (2010) I was again a student BUT a masters student in UiTM @ 17 Shah Alam...Well, I had my ups and downs.. and Alhamdulillah, I succeeded. Did my thesis and graduated just recently on 11 May 2014 during the UiTM 80th Convocation. Am now 57 years old. Have 3 years to retirement and hope to pursue.......Phd? InsyaAllah.


Faculty of Language Studies

B.Edu.(Hons) TESL

Ist Class

CGPA 3.75

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