"Never stop trying in life, whether your career, studies or family there will always be obstacles, small or huge ones. Through years of education, you will be able to mitigate and manage the obstacles well.",
~ Lye Han Wen, Material Management Manager, Smartlink Engineering Sdn Bhd (Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering, Universiti Selangor, 2006)
"Menyuarakan pandangan dan 'suara belia' berkaitan pembangunan belia negara di Sidang Dewan Parlimen Belia Malaysia"
~ Aishamuddin Bin Yaacob, Lecturer Kolej Komuniti Arau, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Diploma in Information Technology, Universiti Selangor, 2006)
"Believe in work hard in silence, let your success be your noise"
~ Berjilia Jum Im Kim, Senior Analyst, NOL Global Shared Service Centre (Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons), Universiti Selangor, 2012)
"Adalah menjadi impian saya selama ini bahawa ilmu yang saya miliki ingin saya kongsi dengan semua masyarakat tidak mengira bangsa dan agama, dengan harapan perkara baik seperti ini akan menjadi suatu jangkitan positif untuk generasi akan datang kepada generasi seterusnya"
~ Dr Shahiron Shahidan, Senior Lecturer, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Universiti Selangor, 2007)
"I'm the first Ph.D holder in my family. I'm very proud that my parents have contributed two scientists (me and my sister) to the country. When I won the 3rd Prize in Biotechnology World Congree in Dubai, I had the opportunity to represent my people internationally and made my country proud. I believe my contribution is yet to come. Very soon, I'm planning to establish an independent research team, from which great discoveries and inventions will arise."
~ Dr Jayasudha Nagarajan, Lecturer, Lincoln University College (Bachelor of Industrial Biotechnology, Universiti Selangor, 2009)
“I believe in myself, when even am not good enough in particular/some aspect, I stress to myself that when others can do it why not us.”. “Sentiasa ingat bahawa sentiasa melakukan pekerjaan seperti kita akan hidup selamanya dan berusaha untuk akhirat seperti kita akan mati esoknya”
~ Wan Azraei Wan Husain, Managing Director, Ribhi Timur Resources (Bachelor of Industrial Managerment (Hons), Universiti Selangor, 2010)
"A negatif mind will never give you a positive life"
~ Nurul Huda Binti Zainal Abidin, Executive, Guardian Bangsar Baru (Bachelor of Finance, Universiti Selangor, 2013)
"Shine bright like a diamond"
~ Lukman Al Hakim Md Nor, Asst. Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Tourism & Culture (Bachelor of Journalism, Universiti Selangor, 2014)
"I am not able to control what happen to us, but I can always be independent to control how I react. Be more accountable"
~ Anas Basir Bin A Bakar (Diploma in Accountancy, Universiti Selangor, 2014)
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit"
~ Dr Hamdan Dato' Mohd Salleh (PhD in Social Science, Universiti Selangor, 2014)
"Always, always and always trust your self, just do it, keep calm and be happy"
~ Hazim Raof (Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science, University Selangor, 2011)